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Economy, Sci & Tech

SUT Takes Joint 1st Place in IEEEXtreme

Students of Sharif University of Technology were placed first in IEEEXtreme for the second consecutive year. According to IRNA, IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of electrical and electronics engineering students compete in a 24-hour contest to solve a set of programming problems. Teams of up to three students receive the programming problems over 24 hours, starting at 0000 GMT on competition day. All teams receive the same problems and are expected to solve them without any outside consultation. Teams do not need to tackle every problem, but the more problems they solve, the more points they score. Points are awarded based on how the problem was solved, the time it took and its difficulty. During this round, SUT students pushed aside 2,500 rival teams and were able to secure the top place. The Iranian team jointly ranked first with teams from Sweden, Estonia and Australia. The 10th edition of IEEEXtreme, initiated in 2006, was held on Oct. 22.