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People, Environment

Scotland Leading Way on Emissions Cuts

Scotland has achieved the second-highest reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in Western Europe, according to the latest official figures. Out of the EU-15 countries, only Sweden has delivered higher cuts. The news comes after emissions reporting statistics showed Scotland had exceeded its own world-leading targets six years early, prompting a pledge from leaders to up the ante, reported. The latest data, which include international aviation and shipping but not offshore operations, show that source emissions have fallen by nearly 40% north of the border from 1990 to 2014. Reductions for England, Wales and Northern Ireland over the same period were 34.2%, 17.9% and 16.5% respectively. Scotland has been praised for setting the world’s toughest climate change ambitions–for emissions cuts of 42% from the 1990 baseline by 2020. Now First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has pledged to raise the bar after a 45.8% cut in emissions for reporting against targets was attained. Sturgeon confirmed a new 2020 target to reduce emissions by at least 50% since 1990 will be set.