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Economy, Domestic Economy

Insecurity Threatens Job Market

Recent reports from the central bank show that the number of Iranian households with no employed member has increased from 15.5% to 24% over the past decade.

According to the bank’s data, 57% of Iranian households had one employed member only, 15.5% had two employed members, and only 3.5% had 3 or more employed members.

A closer look at the figures from the past decade shows that the number of households with no employed member has constantly increased since 2004.

Experts warn that if the trend persists, it may give rise to an increase in the number of vulnerable families in the society, which would bring about various negative consequences in turn.

One of the major predicaments facing Iran’s job market is job insecurity, which is a result of the unsustainable economic situation in recent years, experts say.

Lack of cash flow in manufacturing firms, among other factors, has led to major layoffs in recent years. Subsequently, job holders who are mainly the household breadwinners experience difficulty trying to earn a living.

Citing the central bank’s reports, Eghtesad News says that last year among the family members over 6 years old, 30.6% were employed, 4.1% unemployed, 10.4% earning without a job, 23.2% student, 27.4% homemakers, and 4.3% cast into other categories.

In 2013/14 (Iranian calendar year 1392), 3.8% of jobs created were formed in agriculture, husbandry, hunting, forestry, and fishing; 17.8% in industry and mining; 0.8% in electricity, gas, and water; 15.3% in commerce; 22.4% in wholesaling, retail, hotels, and restaurants; 11.7% in transportation, storing, and communication; 7.1% in monetary services, insurance, real estate, law, and finance; and 21.1% in public, social, and personal services areas.

People with university level of education are mainly employed in the fields of public, social, and personal services. Their share of the job holders is 13.3%.

Same reports show that 6.1% of employed family members are employers, 32.3% work independently, 17.6% work for state and public organizations, 41.9% are employed in private companies, 0.1% work in cooperative institutions, and 2% work in family businesses and/or are without wage.