The World Health Organization, prompted by “accumulating evidence” of a link between the Zika virus and two neurological disorders, on Friday called a meeting of experts to work out what new advice they could give to travelers and women. WHO’s Emergency Committee will meet on Tuesday to review “evolving information” on microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome and its current recommendations on travel, trade and ways of controlling the mosquitoes that spread the virus, a senior WHO official said, Reuters reported. The virus, spread in the southern hemisphere, should ebb in Brazil by the time of the Olympics in August, said Dr. Bruce Aylward, WHO executive director for Outbreaks and Health Emergencies. Studies by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on GBS had strengthened the case that the Zika virus is responsible. Much still remains unknown about Zika, including whether it actually causes microcephaly in babies.