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Golestan Exports $3.5m Handicrafts

Handicrafts exports from Golestan Province to other countries totaled $3.5m in the first half of the Iranian year( started March 21), CHTN reported. The exports included artifacts such as different varieties of Persian rugs; cushions, and Batik prints. The countries to which the exports took place include: Spain, Germany, Switzerland, US, Germany, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and Italy, announced Abbas Ghorbani, provincial head of Iran Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO). Seven new licenses for handicrafts workshops were issued and 11 non-governmental organizations began work in the handicrafts sector. During this period, two artifacts received UNESCO Seals of Excellence, guarantees that a handicraft product or product line meets the highest standards of quality and has been produced with careful regard to cultural authenticity and environmental conservation. Nine temporary markets were set up, and a number of handicraft workshops were also held for 1,500 individuals in the province. Branding for handicrafts and providing incentives for artisans are among the province’s future plans, he added.