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Plan for Women Breadwinners

A program to support vulnerable social groups will be developed within UNESCO’s Management of Social Transformations (MOST) Program, said Dr. Sheyda Mahnam, manager of Social Sciences and Humanities Division of the National Committee of UNESCO in Iran. “Female breadwinners will be given priority in the program,” she said via a video conference at the second specialized panel discussion on “Female Breadwinners and Social Harms” held Monday at Gilan University, the website of the Vice Presidency for Women and Family Affairs reported.

The program will establish frameworks to keep in check physical and psychological wellbeing, promote life expectancy indicators, and provide financial support to such women. The MOST Program fosters social science research and promotes the use of scientific knowledge by policymakers, focusing on three priority areas: multiethnic and multicultural societies, cities, and the links between globalization and local structures and practices.