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The New Landscape

Hours after the lifting of the international sanctions was announced in Vienna midnight Saturday, President Hassan Rouhani told the nation that Iran is embarking on a new economic landscape where “hard work and creativity” will be the key words. There was a flood of news about how foreign companies are getting ready to return to Iran’s energy and infrastructure sectors.

On Sunday the domestic markets responded positively to the implementation of the nuclear deal with the six world powers. As Tehran stock market rose to new highs, stocks across the Persian Gulf Arab states took a beating and Saudi shares suffered the most over the prospect of a surge in Iran’s oil export.  

There also was a piece of disappointing news later in the day: the US administration imposed new sanctions on Iran because of its ballistic missile program.  Please see pages 2, 4, 6 and 7 for news and reports related to the expectations, hopes and aspirations in the post-sanctions period.