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Saudis Suffocate Telegram

Telegram Messenger, the most popular messaging platform in Iran, has now been intermittently blocked in Saudi Arabia, according to a new report.  Pavel Durov, the Berlin-based Russian creator of Telegram, said, "Traffic is partly limited in Saudi Arabia," Sputnik News reported.  "I confirm, Telegram traffic is partly limited in Saudi Arabia since yesterday evening. The reasons are unknown," Pavel Durov said via Twitter. Earlier on Sunday, reports emerged on the social network that messages were being blocked and users reported the app being "Super Slow" in Saudi Arabia.  Financial Tribune contacted users in the Persian Gulf kingdom to corroborate the evidence, but no users of the app could respond in time.   Telegram is a free messaging application founded in 2013. In September 2015, the application had 60 million active users worldwide and delivered 12 billion daily messages. Iran is currently the biggest user of the application, with over 80% of users accessing the site from the Islamic Republic. Russian telegram users make up the second largest group.