• Economy, Sci & Tech

    Sci&Tech Univ. Joins IAU

    Iran’s University of Applied Science and Technology hasbecome a full member of the UNESCO-based International Association of Universities.

    Middle Eastern universities make up 13% of the membership of the association, which features Iranian universities like the University of Tehran, Al Mustafa International University, AllamehTabatabai University, Alzahra University, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Imam Khomeini International University, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, TarbiatModarres University, University of Isfahan, University of Tabriz and Yazd University.  

    The International Association of Universities, one of the most well-known and prestigious university associations in the world was founded in 1950.

    The Paris-based association is located at the headquarters of UNESCO with a mission based on the principles of the right to gain knowledge and tolerating differing views and avoiding involvement in political disputes.