A solo installation art ‘Endless Tale,’ by young Iranian artist Erfaneh Samsam Shariat is underway at Abi Art Gallery.
The project is on the theme of “repetition and imposition of rules” during lifetime, implying that human life has no control over external forces, and living is just obligatory, Honaronline reports.
The installation includes pillows and cots. The project is in two parts. The first is on the concept of birth showing pictures of new born infants in hospital represented by the pillows.
“Visitors are customers, buying the pillows, designed as a package. When they open the package, it symbolically shows the birth of a baby,” Shariat said.
A speaker placed inside each pillow, implies the rules of life imposed on children. “Even when they grow up, the obligation is there to follow the rules imposed.”
In the second part, there are four beds, occupied by a man and woman. Visitors can sit on the unoccupied beds and communicate with them.
In a statement on the exhibition, Shariat said: “These days, life has become mechanical. People are subconsciously passive, with a seemingly endless tale of repetition and routine in life. Births take place successively but there is no power over life’s destiny.”
Explaining the theme, the artist said that today, all people experience the imposition of rules in life, although in different forms. “Few are willing to accept others the way they are and often try to change their personality to one that suits them. This fact is truer for children, because parents want to achieve through them what they’ve not during their lifetime.”
The installation will be on view through November 23 at the gallery at no. 41, Mojgan St., South Dibaji Ave., Dolat Ave., Tehran.