Now that Iran has fulfilled its commitments under the roadmap agreement, the UN nuclear agency should reciprocate by announcing the conclusion of its evaluation of Iran's past nuclear activities to allow the nuclear deal with the P5+1 to take effect, Tehran's envoy to the agency said.
"As the International Atomic Energy Agency announced, Iran has completed its measures under the roadmap to resolve past and present issues [regarding the nuclear program] by the agreed date of Oct. 15," Reza Najafi was quoted by IRNA as saying on Thursday.
Iran has "demonstrated goodwill and met its commitments. Now the UN agency should be able to present its final assessment to announce the full closure of the case," he said.
The IAEA in a statement posted on its website on Thursday said, "In the period to 15 Oct. 2015, activities set out in the roadmap for the clarification of past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran's nuclear program were completed."
"By 15 Dec. 2015, the director general [Yukiya Amano] will provide, for action by the board of governors, the final assessment on the resolution of all past and present outstanding issues, as set out in the annex of the 2011 director general's report," the statement added.
Iran and the IAEA signed the roadmap agreement alongside a larger nuclear deal between Iran and the six world powers (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany) on July 14, which will remove international sanctions in exchange for temporary constraints on Tehran's nuclear energy program.
The roadmap committed Iran to providing enough information and explanations concerning its nuclear program to the IAEA by Oct. 15 to allow the agency to prepare a final report assessing Iran's nuclear past and submit it by next two months to the board of governors.
The IAEA's report is crucial to the ultimate decision by the P5+1 to lift sanctions against Tehran after the nuclear accord goes into effect.
"The closure of past issues will clear the path for the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which envisages future measures [by the two sides]," Najafi said, using the official title of the deal.
"Just as the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2231 [in the wake of the pact] to [endorse it and] terminate all its previous resolutions, those of the UN's board of governors should all be terminated," the envoy added.