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Pope Says Church Must Be Open to Change

Pope Francis told a Roman Catholic meeting on family issues on Monday that the church should not be a stuffy “museum of memories” but have the courage to change if that was what God wanted.

Francis urged bishops at the start of a three-week gathering, known as a synod, to humbly empty themselves of conventions and prejudices. They should not “point fingers at the others to judge them” or feel superior to those with different ideas, Reuters reported.  In a passage that appeared to be directed at unbending traditionalists, the pope said bishops should beware the “hardening of some hearts, which despite good intentions, keep people away from God”.

Yet he also made a nod to conservatives, calling for courage that “does not let itself be intimidated by the seductions of the world” and passing fads, Reuters reported.

Faith was “not a museum to look at and save” but should be a source of inspiration, he said, calling on the synod to have “courage to bring life and not make our Christian life a museum of memories”.

The gathering of some 300 bishops, delegates, observers and 18 married couples has been preceded by intense jockeying between conservatives and liberals on sensitive issues.

It will discuss ways to defend the traditional family and make life-long marriage more appealing to young people while reaching out to disaffected Catholics such as homosexuals, co-habiting couples and the divorced.

Francis told the first working session the bishops should not just talk but try to hear what God wanted for the Church, and to listen to differing opinions among themselves.