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Must See Iran on Twitter

The Twitter hashtag #MustSeeIran, in its short life since it was launched, has succeeded in drawing a lot of attention to Iran by showcasing the country’s architecture, art, culture, landscapes, food, and tourist attractions and destinations, Donya-e Eghtesad Newspaper reported.

The Twitter site displays images of Iran’s culture and society, which have the potential to dispel myths and preconceived notions that those unfamiliar with Iran might harbor.

The campaign was unveiled during a World Tourism Day ceremony, on September 27 though it has been open in Twitter since April 2014.  

The hashtag was created by Ali Araghchi, a PhD from the University of Geneva and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Project Officer in United Nations, Geneva Headquarters.

In a message, Araghchi himself introduces his campaign:  “I have started Twitter campaign with the hashtag #MustSeeIran to introduce our beautiful and dear country, Iran, to the world by using photos with this hashtag. A thriving tourism industry will solve many of the economic problems that ordinary people face.”

Speaking to Donya-e Eghtesad newspaper, he stated that it is a non-profit, nonpartisan campaign; a feature which has made it distinguishable from others of its kind; although it has also been endorsed greatly by the media in Iran.

Many notable officials of the government have expressed support of the initiative, including President Hassan Rouhani.

It has been receiving accolades around the world particularly by foreign tourists.


Araghchi noted about 27 million visitors check the hashtag every week. Half of the visitors are foreigners who either have become curious to find out why Iran is a must see place or have been to Iran and now provide information for others on Iran’s attractions.

“Iran is an undiscovered unexplored land even by us, Iranians. Those of us involved in running the campaign and seeing the photos, have been surprised by the tremendous assets and opportunity this country possesses”, he asserted.

Araghchi further added it has been surprisingly attractive to the extent that Massimo Bray, Italian Tourism Minister, has joined the campaign and shared it in his personal page.

Last year, March 2013 to March 2014, Italian tourists outnumbered any other foreign tourists visiting Iran.

The target groups of the campaign are not only foreigners but Iranians as they are not well informed of the touristic events and destinations and are in dire need to re-discover Iran. “Iranians do not know that, for instance in a certain season, there is a butterfly catching tour in Iran and Americans and Europeans are only participants of such event”, Araghchi explained.

The #MustSeeIran campaign also aims to absorb investments in Tourism industry which enables Iran to accelerate the completion of its infrastructures and host more visitors.

Today, travelers and tourists use the Internet for almost all the steps of their itinerary from choosing the destination to buying the ticket and booking the hotel to finding directions and even purchasing souvenirs. Therefore, using the Internet as the interface has provided the campaigners with a proper opportunity to impact a broad range of visitors at a much lower cost as the users work as spontaneous marketers.

#MustSeeIran can be a good place to suggest Iran as foreign travelers’ unique destination and, once and for all, solves their problem of mistaking “Iran” for “Iraq”.