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President Defines Tourism Path

During a live interview on national television on Monday, President Hassan Rouhani highlighted improvements to Iran’s tourism industry as being among the main priorities under the country’s five-year economic development plan, Cultural Heritage News reported.

The president further spoke of the country’s growth in different sectors including tourism during Spring (March 21 to June 21, 2014).

Iran saw an economic boost mainly stemming from the interim negotiations with the P5+1, which resulted in some easing of the sanctions against the country.  However, among the contributing factors was also an increase in job opportunities, in which the tourism industry was cited as having played a big part.

Taking into account the ongoing hotel construction projects, Rouhani  pointed to a further need for investment in this area. To take these proposals forward, he added, hotelier and hotel management experts should be appointed.

An increase in the number of tour leaders was also highlighted as a priority, and “a process is already in place to improve access to tour guide training programs as well as certification,” he said.

On matters not directly related to tourism but which have an impact, the president spoke of the national imperative to revive Lake Urumia.  He expressed his personal commitment to addressing environmental issues, in which of course sustainable tourism plays a vital role.

Finally, Rouhani pointed to the need to improve the country’s rail network, for improved transportation of both passengers and also goods.