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People, Travel

Ganjname Tourist Village Open

The phase three construction of the Ganjname Tourist Village located in Hamedan has been completed and has the capacity to host more than a 1.2 million tourists.

This enormous project which has taken 14 years to bring to fruition purports to be one of the most equipped resorts of the Middle East.

Hamedan is one of the most ancient cities in the world, and draws of local as well as international tourists annually.  The need, therefore, for a full-fledged resort to cater to tourists was felt, Saied Torabian, the resort investor said.

The complex is equipped with mountain chalets, cable cars, recreational sleds, and amusement parks.

The complex has recently become an affiliate member of the UNWTO.

A group of tourists from the Netherlands are set to visit the area in the near future.