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SP Phase 12 Complete

Physical progress of South Pars Gas Field Phase 12 has reached 98% upon the  completion of drilling operations in the three remaining wells, manager of the phase's development project announced.

"Operational activities are concluded and currently some amendments and reparations are being carried out," Rasoul Fallahnejad was quoted by Shana as saying.

"The only remaining task to fully hand over the project to its operator is to prepare the map and documents. Maximum production capacity will be achieved at the close of amendments in platform A and B in winter."

Platform C is operating at low pressure for being located at the farthest end of the phase. Amendments are currently being conducted to maximize production from platform C.

Phase 12 officially went on stream in a ceremony attended by President Hassan Rouhani in March 2015. Once fully operational, it is expected to supply 75 million cubic meters of gas per day into the Sixth Iran Gas Trunkline (IGAT VI) and produce 120,000 barrels of gas condensates and 750 tons of sulfur daily.

South Pars is the world's largest gas field, estimated to contain about 8% of the world's reserves. The field contains 40 trillion cubic meters of natural gas and approximately 18 billion barrels of condensate, and is shared between Iran and Qatar.

It covers an area of 3,700 square kilometers of Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf, and adjoins Qatar’s North Field, which measures 6,000 square kilometers.

Phase 12 contains 4% of total gas reserves of South Pars, which is slightly less than 1% of the world's gas reserves. The output of Phase 12 has reached a record high of 80 mcm/d in April.

The main objective of developing Phase 12 is to produce and transport 3 billion cubic feet of gas per day from 45 wells. The sweetened gas from onshore facilities is then transported to IGAT VI and condensates are exported via marine routes.