Cuban state television broadcast images Saturday of former president Fidel Castro meeting cheese experts during a rare trip outside his Havana home.
Seemingly alert and sharp, the 88-year-old was shown seated at a panel organized by the Food Industry Ministry’s research institute on Friday, speaking at length with the “cheese masters,” France24 reported.
“Fidel spoke for more than four hours with 19 cheese masters participating in a training program” in Guatao, near Havana, official media said.
Castro reportedly spoke of the problems affecting the population’s nutrition, like climate change and frequent wars.
The last publicly televised images of Castro date back to May 21, when he met at his home with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic. Several days before, local media published images of him meeting French President Francois Hollande.
Due to the secrecy surrounding the elder Castro’s health, his rare public appearances are carefully scrutinized by international media and the authorities release images of him receiving foreign officials and representatives of civil society.