The deputy traffic police chief in charge of special operations announced that the police have launched a campaign to confront school bus drivers whose vehicles lack the official police permit.
Col. Saeed Sepehri, in an interview with ISNA said two months prior to the reopening of schools, a meeting was held and all school transport drivers were asked to obtain credentials.
He expressed dissatisfaction that “many drivers failed to take the warning seriously” and said the police would go to any lengths to assure the safety of students. Errant drivers will be dealt with sternly, he said, adding that the campaign to check drivers violating the police directive is in full swing across Tehran. School bus and taxi drivers had to undergo training before the onset of the new school year in late September.
These drivers were trained in areas such as ‘traffic psychology and ethical behavior.’ It had been made clear that permit for school drivers would be issued only if they qualified for the job by meeting the standards of the traffic police department.
The fine for drivers lacking the registered school label would be up to $13 and if they pay no heed the fine will be tougher. Sepehri said school principals and contractors will also face legal action if they fail to ensure the safety of students.
Parental Assistance
Sepehri appealed to parents to report any wrong doings by schools directly to the police, although “schools themselves have a duty to report lapses or misconducts.” He further said that regulations for school vehicles include proper safety checks, vehicle insurance – including third party insurance, the capacity for seating at least four persons and safety tools such as seat belts, first aid kit and fire extinguisher in the vehicle. The drivers should always carry the requisite certificates with them failing which they would be charged with offense. He added that the certificates would be confiscated in traffic breaches such as speeding, illegal overtaking, right of way violation and crossing a red right.