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Driver Drowsiness Warning Device

A driver drowsiness warning device has been developed by researchers at Amir Kabir University of Technology, IRNA reported on Tuesday.

The project was carried out in joint collaboration with Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology's virtual reality labs.

According to lead project researcher Reza Narimani, the main aim of the project is to locally produce a sleep warning alarm system for drivers. In Iran, driver drowsiness is the reason behind 37 percent of road mishaps; the new system will hopefully help reduce the disconcerting figure.

During a four-year study, driver behavior was scrutinized behind the wheel. The driving simulator picked up on the physical symptoms of drowsiness and drug addiction and mapped brain waves.

Subsequent to the data collection, a drowsiness algorithm was drawn up and the project entered the development phase.  

During this stage, cameras recorded any changes indicative of drowsiness in drivers' facial expressions and eye motions. In addition to other key variables, sensors registered all speed, velocity, and steering wheel angle variations.

In the final development stages of the system the data will be sent to the central processing unit. The system's response varies according to the driver's level of consciousness.

These primarily include audio visual alarms and vibrations. Additionally, an alert message indicative of the driver's drowsiness will be sent to the nearest traffic police station.

In the final stage of the project a driver assistant system will be developed which will take over vehicle navigation and guide the automobile to the closest roadside stop.