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Economy, Business And Markets

Sarmayeh for Trading

Sarmayeh Bank's shares opened for trading on Wednesday, after being closed for eight months, Bourspress reported. The bank is listed in Iran Farabourse over the counter market. Its trading was halted in June 2014, after holding general and extraordinary shareholder meetings for divided payment and making other corporate decisions. Afterwards, the Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO) banned the trading of Sarmayeh's stocks because the bank had not registered its capital increase with the SEO. Now, differences with the SEO have been hashed out. The bank's financial statements for nine-month period ending in December, was published and its shares are open for trading once more. Sarmayeh Bank offers retail, commercial and investment banking services. It was established in 2005 as a part of the government's plan for the privatization of the banking system.