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Domestic PVD Machine Applies Durable, Noncorrosive Coating

A domestic company has produced an ultra-hard PVD coating machine with hybrid technology that applies nanocomposite coatings to increase the wear resistance of equipment in different industries

A knowledge-based company has produced a physical vapor deposition (PVD) machine that is cheaper than its foreign counterparts.

Sevin Plasma Surface Engineering Company succeeded in producing an ultra-hard coating machine with hybrid technology, which applies nanocomposite PVD coatings to increase the wear resistance of equipment in different industries, according to the company’s CEO.

“PVD is a group of thin layer coatings applied to equipment in a vacuum chamber through the evaporation of metallic elements and the deposition of nanoparticles,” Mehdi Abd-Yazdan was also quoted as saying by the news portal of Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

He stated that these thin coatings do not change the size of a device and can create the desired properties in terms of hardness, durability and corrosion resistance.

Abd-Yazdan said during the PVD process, a solid or liquid material is converted into vapor and then deposited as a thin solid or liquid layer on a surface.

“By using the PVD technology, high resistant and very high-quality coatings are applied on an equipment. Therefore, this is one of the most efficient and advanced methods of applying coatings,” he said.

“As these coatings are used to increase the lifespan of industrial parts, the main customers are automotive, oil, gas, petrochemical and aerospace industries.”

The CEO said the distinguishing features of the company’s PVD machine are better quality and higher durability compared to its domestic counterparts and lower price compared to foreign samples.

“The raw materials used in this machine are supplied and processed at a lower price, which reduces the final price of the company’s machine,” he added.

According to Abd-Yazdan, if the industry were to stabilize, the company can create 20 jobs.

“The company decided to produce this product to meet domestic needs and as the first developer of PVD nanocomposite coatings, it is currently operating as the largest service center for ultra-hard PVD coatings in Iran,” he said.


Ultra-Light Nanoconcrete Helps Achieve Superior Performance 

A knowledge-based company has developed a concrete using nanoparticles with higher abrasion resistance and lighter weight.

The domestic nanoconcrete is produced in various shapes for different industries and infrastructures, as well as for flooring parks, sidewalks and roads.

Behdis Saman Amin Housing Mass-Production Company is the producer of this type of concrete, the news portal of Vice Presidency for Science and Technology reported.

The company said the most important feature of this type of concrete flooring is its high resistance to abrasion, weather changes and impact.

The ease of implementation without the use of special machinery, applicability with wet or dry mortar, easy repair and durability in withstanding extreme pressure are among other advantages of this nanoconcrete.

The nanoconcrete helps eliminate dead load and offers better fire resistance and easy cutting.

Behdis Saman Amin Housing Mass-Production Company has used additives such as nanoparticles to produce a superior concrete, apart from cement, water, aggregate and concrete glue. 

The knowledge-based company was established in the fiscal 2011-12 for boosting the quality and speed of mass housing projects.

The company has partnered in numerous construction projects, assisting them in terms of design and production of new concrete products to enhance the country's construction culture.


Nanocoating Enhances Energy Efficiency of Radiators 

A domestic knowledge-based company has designed a nanocoating that increases the efficiency of radiators by improving thermal conductivity and reducing energy loss.

Ordinary radiators produced by Tash Radiator Company were classified as C on the energy table, but the company’s new radiators that use nanocoating produced by Schiller Farayand Pars Company are classified as B, the news portal of the Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council reported.

Energy labels on electrical appliances classify energy consumption efficiency on an A to G scale, with the A class (green) being the most energy efficient appliances and the G class (red) the least. 

Due to the use of this nanocoating, heat transfer in these radiators is more efficient compared with that of ordinary radiators.

The issue gains significance in countries that need to lower their energy consumption, or have high energy prices. For instance, in Afghanistan, where coal is used for energy production and where lower energy consumption is critical, this offers a competitive advantage.

Years ago, Tash Radiator Company used the covers of a German company to produce radiators, which faced problems due to the incompatibility of these covers with Iran's climatic conditions.

Therefore, Tash Radiator Company, in cooperation with Schiller Farayand Pars Company, used zirconium nanocoating technology in radiators. This cover is less thick than its earlier counterpart and compatible with Iran’s climate, leading to improved heat transfer.

Colors used in these radiators are based on epoxy, which offers a type of insulation. Therefore, by reducing the thickness of paint and substrate, the domestic company increased the heat transfer coefficient and produced a more efficient radiator for export.