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Measures Underway to Curb Pollution of Aras River

Industrial effluent from Armenia is threatening Aras River, as it has had a negative impact on provinces through which the river passes, spokesperson of the water industry said.

“A number of industries and mines polluting the river, operated by the private sector, have been identified. In the joint committees of Iran and Armenia, we have reached the conclusion that they should recycle and use treated wastewater instead of dumping it into the river,” ILNA also quoted Firouz Qasemzadeh as saying.

“Now the matter is being pursued seriously and the Department of Environment is holding talks with the Armenian counterpart to solve the problem,” he added. 

The official noted that the government of Armenia has assured that the issue will be controlled and measures are underway to prevent the industrial effluent from entering the river.

“In collaboration with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey, we are drafting a comprehensive document to stop the river’s pollution. The Energy Ministry has proposed the draft of the "Zero Aras Pollution" document to the Economic Cooperation Organization,” he said.

In 2013, the Iran-Armenia project of monitoring Aras River water became operational in 17 stations across the provinces of Ardabil, East and West Azarbaijan.

As per the agreement, Iranian and Armenian experts constantly analyzed, up until recently, the chemical components of the river's water as well as the amount of heavy metals, including arsenic, cadmium and lead.

Some 58 monitoring sessions have been held in connection with the state of the river. Samples were taken from three different directions of the river. More than 150 water samples and more than 180 sediment samples were taken. A physicochemical analysis was carried out on these samples.

According to the results of the studies, the level of heavy and other metals in the water of the river is 5 to 7 times higher than normal.

Authorities believe that the river’s pollution poses serious health risks to people living in northwestern Iran, particularly in Moghan Plain in Ardabil Province where cancer fatality rate is high.

Aras River flows through Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. Its Iranian sections pass through the provinces of East and West Azarbaijan as well as Ardabil. The river is a significant source for irrigation of lands in both Azerbaijan and Iran.



Major Pollutants

According to reports, the Metsamor nuclear power plant in Armenia dumps 12,000-16,000 cubic meters of radioactive waste into the Aras River every day. This is in addition to the waste of Armenian mining companies, which threatens the use of river water for drinking and irrigation purposes.

The pollution of the Okhchuchai transboundary river has been repeatedly brought up both by Azerbaijan and Iran. Waste from the Kajaran Copper-Molybdenum Plant at the source of this river and domestic wastewater are discharged in Okhchuchai, which has increased heavy metal pollution in the river.

Aras is the second largest river by its size in the South Caucasus and the largest tributary of the Kura River, and its pollution threatens the safety of all people residing along the river’s route.

The pollution of the water resources of regional countries by Armenia also violates the principles of the UN Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.