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Enemy’s Plot Failed Due to Miscalculation

The enemies made a mistake because the will and determination of the Islamic Republic is stronger and firmer than all their elements of power, the Leader said

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said the enemies’ plot against Iran was comprehensive but failed because of miscalculation. 

“They made a mistake because the will and determination of the Islamic Republic is stronger and firmer than all their elements of power,” he said in a meeting with a group of poets and eulogists on Thursday, reported. 

He was referring to the recent unrest in Iran which began with the death of a young girl in police custody in September, but later developed into violent clashes between rioters and security forces, claiming the lives of around 200 people, according to Iranian sources. 

Tehran blames the enemies, especially the United States, for provoking violence to destabilize the country and advance their political agenda. 

“As an observer, I said bravo to the good engineering of the enemy because they had prepared everything in an appropriate amount and place, but despite such a scheme which is effective in some countries, they didn’t succeed because their calculations were wrong,” he said. 

The enemies had exploited all means of disturbance and destruction in a country, according to the Leader, including economy. 

“The country’s economic situation wasn’t and isn’t good, so people’s livelihood issues were an instrument that they could use,” he said. 

Other means that they had prepared months earlier included security factors, infiltration of spying teams, promotion of anti-Iran sentiments by arrogant powers through various propaganda tools, bringing certain domestic elements along, arousing ethnic, religious, political and personal motivations and extensive disinformation campaigns. 



Wrong Presumptions 

Ayatollah Khamenei later elaborated on areas where the enemy has made miscalculations, as in the presumption that the Iranian nation would follow them in their toppling and separatist plans because of economic problems. 

“They thought that by insults and a foul mouth they could make the authorities passive and force them out,” he said. 

The enemies also wrongly assumed that they could spark off dispute among high-level authorities by temptation and impact the Islamic Republic’s will by relying on the petrodollars of certain US mercenaries, according to Ayatollah Khamenei. 

They thought by encouraging some mercenary elements to seek asylum in other countries and poisoning the well against the country, Iranian youth would become disappointed, while they were wrong and nobody paid any attention to them, he added.  

“It’s been 40 years that they are acting against the Islamic Republic through all means, but they have so far failed since their calculations were wrong and they will fail in the future as well,” the Leader said. 

He warned, however, against negligence as a result of the enemies’ miscalculation. 

“We should not become vain and negligent and assume that the developments are over. We should stay in position and know that hope and national unity are ways to protect the nation.” 

Although there are different preferences and ideas in the country, there is consensus about Islam, the Islamic Republic and the revolution among the people, according to the Leader. 

No one should allow this unity to be shattered or contribute to ethnic and religious differences and provocation of the feelings of one group against another, he advised. 

“Anyone who weakens national unity, is playing into the enemy hands,” he said, urging all cultural activists to be aware and avoid underestimating the enemy. 

Ayatollah Khamenei also stressed that building strength is the main way to demoralize the enemies. 

“Whenever we become so strong that the enemy is disappointed, we can achieve peace of mind.”