A contract has been signed between Iran and Russia, based on which 40 turbines manufactured domestically will be exported to Russia, managing director of Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company said.
“Currently, 85% of the facilities and equipment needed by the gas industry are made by local manufacturers. This has made the country capable of exporting the parts as well,” Reza Noshadi was also quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.
Turbines are generally used to generate power by coupling it along with a generator. The fluid can be steam or gas with high pressure.
Instead of coupling the turbine with a generator, it can be coupled to a compressor or pump for oil and gas production.
Gas may be required to be injected to oil wells, where gas-fired turbines shall be used to compress the gas to the required pressure.
The National Iranian Gas Company, a subsidiary of the National Iranian Oil Company, has invested $4 billion to fast track the indigenization of vital equipment in collaboration with domestic manufacturers and engineers over the past two decades.
The indigenized equipment include turbines, pumps, anti-corrosion steel pipes, valves, storage tanks, boilers and compressors.
The 70% share of natural gas in Iran's energy basket is expected to reach 85% by 2025. To achieve this goal, more equipment is required to be manufactured by domestic producers.
Relying on domestic human resources, knowhow and investment, Iran has reached a sustainable production level of 1 billion cubic meters of gas per day and will increase by 10% to 1.1 bcm/d by the end of the current Iranian year (March 2023).
The rise in production will come from phases 11 and 14 of South Pars Gas Field in the Persian Gulf, which are not fully operational yet.