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Domestic Anesthesia Machine Ensures Safety of Operation

A knowledge-based company has produced an anesthesia machine that is sold at half the price of its foreign counterparts with the same quality and capabilities

A knowledge-based company has designed an anesthesia machine with a price advantage over foreign counterparts.

The anesthesia machine monitors the patient's breathing during surgery and ensures the safety of operation.

A member of the Board of Directors of Premiere Electromedical Care Company explained that the anesthesia machine is one of the basic devices of operating room and many sensitive operations cannot be conducted without this machine.

“The main function of the anesthesia machine is to control the patient's breathing during surgery, followed by anesthesia,” Fatemeh Norouzi was also quoted as saying by the news portal of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology.

During a surgery, oxygen and anesthetic gases are administered to the patient by the anesthesia machine and excess carbon dioxide is removed.

The anesthesiologist continually gives a dose of anesthetic drugs to the patient so that the patient does not regain consciousness during the operation, and it is vital to control this condition.

The anesthesia machine combines a fixed amount of medical gases such as oxygen or nitrous oxide with a fixed amount of anesthetic gases such as isoflurane and ensures a constant and safe gas flow for the patient.

The machine has a complex and special technology due to its sensitive function before and during the operation.

The most common type of anesthesia machine developed by foreign companies and used worldwide costs about 9 billion rials. This is while the domestic counterpart is available at half that price with the same quality and capabilities. 

Norouzi noted that about 70 people are working in the electronic medical equipment company that is also exploring its export potential.

“The company is partly meeting the domestic need for this machine and preventing the foreign currency outflow used in import,” she said.



Simple, Smart and Efficient DNA Extraction Kit Developed 

A domestic company has developed a simple and smart DNA extraction kit using saliva with high efficiency, which is a suitable alternative to the DNA extraction method using blood.

Considering the many applications of DNA extraction and its genetic analysis in several fields, including research, medicine and forensic science, using a reliable method is of high importance, the news portal of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology reported.

In cases where it is necessary to conduct genetic tests in people with special conditions, like old people, children under three years and people with special diseases, blood sampling becomes problematic and, at times, impossible.

Saliva sampling is an easy and reliable method employed by the DNA extraction kit produced by Zista Gene Afarin Company, which is based on sedimentation and column methods, and uses silica.

The saliva sample contains buccal cells and white blood cells, in addition to bacteria. Therefore, stabilizing and inhibiting the growth of natural bacteria in the saliva are important to increase the share of human DNA compared to bacterial DNA. 

To solve this problem, the company designed a saliva retention buffer that helps stabilize the sample at ambient temperature for at least six months and at -20 degrees Celsius or -80 degrees Celsius for more than a year. This part is not included in the kit and can be bought separately.

The domestic kit allows the extraction of genomic DNA from at least one milliliter of a saliva sample.

Using this kit, genomic DNA can be extracted from saliva samples in the shortest time and with high quality.

If the saliva retention buffer is used in the sampling process, one can be sure that most of the saliva DNA is of human origin with a very low bacterial content and guarantees higher accuracy.

In general, this method extracts DNA of high molecular weight and higher purity, which can be used in many downstream molecular reactions and analyses, including polymerase chain reaction, DNA sequencing and genotyping.



Reducing Risk of Cosmetic Surgeries

Another knowledge-based company has developed a portable scanner used in cosmetic surgeries.

The presence of high quality and standard equipment to reduce risk is of great significance in cosmetic surgeries.

Every year, a large number of foreigners travel to Iran for cosmetic surgeries, where the capabilities of the surgeon and the high precision of devices help offer risk-free services.

The 180-360-degree portable scanner for simulating changes, for example, in the nose and reducing the risk of rhinoplasty has been developed by Pasargad Bonyan Teb Tarah Company.

Also, the manufacture of portable scanners and related equipment for performing eyebrow surgery are among other products of this company.

The knowledge-based company employs 68 people directly and 200 indirectly.