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Domestic Economy

Sugar Imports at 150K Tons 

More than 150,000 tons of sugar have so far been imported into Iran since the beginning of the current Iranian year on March 21, secretary of Sugar Refinery Factories Association said earlier in July.

“Many more consignments are on the way to the country. At present, global prices on each ton of sugar have declined by $20-30 to stand at $550. This decrease will help domestic prices reach an agreeable balance,” Gholamreza Bahmani was also quoted as saying by the Young Journalists Club.

The official noted that Iranians consume 2.5 million tons of sugar per year, with imports accounting for 1.5 to 1.6 million tons annually.

“We face a few problems in the domestic market, the main ones being lack of an efficient distribution system and government interference with supply and pricing. If these are overcome, there would be a constant supply of goods, with both producers and consumers benefiting from the market,” he said. 

Peyman Hesadi, the manager of Agriculture Ministry’s “Beetroot Project”, told IRNA that per capita sugar consumption in Iran stands at 27 kilograms per year, which is 2 kg more than the global average of 25 kg.

Hesadi said the government aims to reach 95% self-sufficiency by the end of the country’s 20-Year Vision Plan (2005-25).