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Construction PMI Declines 

The Purchasing Managers’ Index for Iran’s construction sector settled at 52.77 in the third month of the current fiscal year (May 22-June 21) from 56.31 in the preceding month (April 21-May 21), indicating a 6.29% decline

Latest data released by Iran Chamber of Cooperatives on Purchasing Managers’ Index for the construction sector shows the index declined in the third month of the current fiscal year following a hike in the second month, which in turn followed the slump that ensues the Iranian New Year holidays. 

The PMI for the construction sector settled at 52.77 in the third month of the current fiscal year (May 22-June 21) from 56.31 in the preceding month (April 21-May 21), indicating a 6.29% decline.

The first month of the Iranian year is marked by a slowdown in business activities across all economic sectors, including construction. However, the second month of the year, as shown in the accompanying graph, witnessed a recovery from the seasonal slump.

PMI is an indicator of the health of economic sectors and provides information about business conditions to decision-makers, analysts and purchasing managers. 

Raw material inventory, employment conditions, new orders, supplier deliveries and export/production conditions are among the criteria quizzed, yielding a final score of between 1 and 100. 

If a business scores 50, it means that no change has been perceived compared to the previous month, while scores higher or lower than 50 indicate that the business is expanding or contracting respectively. 

The survey includes 12 business criteria and any changes, whether it be improving, no changes or deteriorating. It is measured through a monthly survey sent to senior executives of 100 companies active in the real-estate sector. 

It is based on five major survey areas: "new orders" with a coefficient of 30%, "raw material inventory" (10%), "production" (25%), "supplier deliveries" (15%) and "employment" (20%).

The "new orders" sub-index stood at 48.88 in the month ending June 21, indicating a 4.36% increase compared with 38.58 in the month ending May 21. 

The "supplier deliveries" sub-index, which measures how fast deliveries are made, increased by 9.12% from 46.86 in the month ending May 21 to 51.11 in the month ending June 21. 

The "raw materials (construction materials) inventory" sub-index increased by 23.84% from 39.67 in the month ending May 21 to 48.88 in the month ending June 21.

The "employment" sub-index increased by 7.92% from 46.84 in the month ending May 21 to 50.55 in the month ending June 21. 

To calculate housing PMI, seven secondary criteria were also surveyed by ICC, including "raw material purchase prices", which stood at 85.78 in the month ending May 21. The sub-index declined by 0.91% to stand at 85 in the month ending June 21.  

"Warehouse Inventory" increased by 17.15% to reach 50.55 in the third Iranian month from 43.15 in the second month.

The "exports" sub-index settled at 49.44 in the month ending June 21 from 50 in the month ending May 21, registering a 1.12% decrease. 

"Prices of products and services" increased by 7.82% to stand at 79.44 in the month ending June 21 from 73.68 in the previous month. 

"Fuel consumption" increased by 1.5% from 54.73 in the second month of the current fiscal year to 55.55 in the third fiscal month.

"Sales" increased by 4.45% from 50.52 in the second fiscal month to 52.77 in the third month.

The sub-index of "performance expectations for the following month" settled at 52.22 in the month ending June 21 from 48.94 in the month before, showing a 6.7% increase.



CBI on Tehran Real Estate 

The number of home sales in Tehran hit a 22-month high in the third month of the current fiscal year (May 22-June 21), new data released by the Central Bank of Iran show.

According to CBI, a total of 13,874 homes were sold in the capital city during the third month of the current fiscal year (May 22-June 21), registering a 32.3% jump compared to the previous month and a 151.9% rise compared with the corresponding month of the previous year.

The report also shows prices reached an all-time high. The average price of each square meter of a residential property in Tehran stood at 394.15 million rials ($1,248) during the month under review, registering a 32.8% rise over the preceding year’s same month, when average prices stood at 296.74 million rials ($854). 

Home prices in the capital city increased by 8.4% compared with 363.52 million rials ($1,151) in the third month of the current fiscal year. 

During the month ending June 21, residential properties up to five years old constituted the biggest proportion of deals at 30.1% (or 3,100 deals), down by 5.7 percentage points compared with the same month of last year. 

The lost share was added to homes with a lifespan of 11-15 years and over 20 years. They accounted for 16% and 20.5% of total deals compared with the same month of last year’s 13.7% and 13% respectively. 

The distribution of dealt properties indicates that among Tehran’s 22 districts, District 5 grabbed the biggest share of total deals at 14.4%, which was followed by District 2 with a share of 9.6% as well as District 10 with a share of 9%.

All-in-all, 10 districts (5, 10, 2, 4, 14, 7, 8, 1, 15 and 11) grabbed the lion's share of deals at 73.4%, with the remaining 12 districts holding a 26.6% share.

Among Tehran's 22 districts, District 1 registered the highest average home price of 811 million rials ($2,568) per square meter. District 18 offered the capital city's cheapest homes with an average per-square meter price of 195.9 million rials ($620). The aforesaid figures show a respective increase of 22.3% and 55.3% YOY.

Residential units with an average price range of 250 million rials ($791) to 300 million rials ($949) per square meter were the most popular in Tehran during the Iranian month under review, as they accounted for 13.4% of all deals. They were followed by units priced at 200 million rials ($633) to 250 million rials per square meter with a share of 12.3% and homes priced at 300 million rials to 350 million rials ($1,108) per square meter with a share of 11.9%.  

From the total number of deals, 57.3% belonged to homes cheaper than the average per-square meter price of the city (i.e., 394.1 million rials, or $1,247). 

Residential units with a floor area of 50-60 and 60-70 square meters registered the highest number of sales, each with a 14.4% share of total deals.  

Units with an area of 70-80 and 80-90 square meters ranked second and third with a respective share of 12.5% and 10.1%. All-in-all, residential properties with an area of under 80 square meters had a 53.7% share of total deals. 

The data indicate that Tehran’s homes worth between 10 billion rials ($31,665) and 15 billion rials ($47,498) were the most popular with a share of 16.4% of the total deals. These were followed by homes with a price tag of between 15 billion rials and 20 billion rials ($63,331), as well as those priced at 20 billion rials to 25 billion rials ($79,164) with a respective share of 12.2% and 9.5% of total deals. 

Collectively, homes valued under 30 billion rials ($94,996) had a 53.8% share of total home deals in Tehran during the third month of the current year.  

The central regulator also reported changes in tenancy prices in the capital city and across urban areas. 

According to CBI, prices of rented residential units in Tehran and across urban areas increased by 46.5% and 51.2% respectively during the second fiscal month year-on-year.



SCI’s account 

The average price of residential area in Tehran were at 414.09 million rials ($1,311) per square meter in the third month of the current fiscal year (May 22-June 21), new data released by the Statistical Center of Iran show. 

Among the capital city’s 22 districts, District 1 registered the highest average apartment price with 784.47 million rials ($2,484) per square meter. 

District 17 had the lowest rate with an average per-square meter price of 207.89 million rials ($658).

SCI put the annualized inflation at 25.1% while the figure for the preceding month, which ended on May 21, stood at 25.6%. 

Year-on-year and month-on-month inflation were reported at 35.5% and 7.1% respectively. The figures stood at 29.6% and 6% in the preceding month.

The new SCI data also show a total of 14,083 residential properties were sold during the month under review across Tehran. 

District 5 had the highest number of deals with 2,202, while districts 19 and 20 had the lowest number with 33.