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Business And Markets

Stocks End Lukewarm

Tehran stocks closed trading week Wednesday lukewarm for the second day amid decline in trade by retail investors.

The benchmark of Tehran Stock Exchange, TEDPIX, gained 3,461 points or 0.27% for the day to end trading at 1,288,377.

Retail trade dropped 10% on Wednesday compared with the session before to reach 31.79 trillion rials ($122 million), accounting for 29% of the total.

About 5.67 billion shares valued at 38.58 trillion rials ($148.4m) changed hands at TSE for the day.

Trading at TSE and junior exchange Iran Fara Bourse starts on Saturday and ends Wednesday.

Nirou Chlor Company was the biggest winner as its shares went up 4.97% to 29,590 rials per share.

Iran Kish Credit Card Company incurred the biggest loss among all TSE-listed companies and went down 4.95% to 5,180 rials per share.

Khouzestan Steel Company contributed the most to the benchmark's fall, followed by Parsian Oil and Gas Development Group Company, Tamin Petroleum and Petrochemical Investment Company and Pars Petrochemical Company.

Nouri Petrochemical Company gave the biggest boost to the benchmark index followed by MAPNA Group Company, Mellat Bank and Iran Khodro Company.

IFX Up 0.3%

Iran Fara Bourse main index, IFX, gained 60 points or 0.34% to close Wednesday trade at 17,589. About 4.19 billion shares and securities valued at 77.45 trillion rials ($297.9m) were traded at the junior exchange for the day.

Iranian Reinsurance Company, Tabas Parvardeh Coal Company, Iranol Oil Company and Iran Cultural Heritage and Tourism Investment Group Company had the most negative impact on IFX.

Zagros Petrochemical Company gave the biggest boost to IFX, followed by Shahid Tondgooyan Petrochemical Company, Pouya Zarkan Agh Darreh Company and Pasargad Insurance Company.