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SP Sour Gas Output to Rise

Phases 17 and 18 of the giant South Pars gas field are ready to process more sour gas, the project manager said. Hassan Boyeri said sour gas has been fed into the second train of the gas sweetening section of the refineries, Shana news agency reported.

He said sweet gas produced from the two phases will then be fed into Iran Gas Trunkline 7 (IGAT7).

Boyeri said the second train of this refinery will raise gas production from phases 17 and 18 to 20 million cubic meters per day.     

Development plans at Phases 17 and 18 of South Pars are underway with the aim of producing 50 mcm/d of natural gas, 80,000 b/d of gas condensate, 400 tons a day of sulfur, 1 million tons a year of ethane and 1.05 million tons a year of liquefied gas.

These phases are being operated by a consortium of Industrial Development and Renovation Organization (IDRO), Oil Industries Engineering and Construction Company (OIEC) and Iranian Offshore Engineering and Construction Company (IOEC).

Daily earnings from South Pars gas field phase 12 is estimated at 17.5 million dollars, assuming gas condensate is sold at 60 dollars/barrel, a report by ILNA said Saturday.

The revenues will come partly from South Pars gas field Phase 12, which will be inaugurated within the next 20 days, nine years after a buy-back contract was signed with Petropars Limited Company for development of the phase.

Development plan of the phase is aimed at producing 3 billion cubic feet of gas per day.

It is estimated that annual revenues from South Pars gas field will reach $6 billion.