• National

    Need to Draw on Science, Innovation to Improve Country’s Situation

    President Ebrahim Raisi on the occasion of Student Day visited Sharif University of Technology on Tuesday to underscore the role played by scientific innovations in the development of the country. 

    “The shift from current circumstances to ideal circumstances must be based on science and innovation,” the president was quoted as saying by his website.

    “In this regard, universities, professors and students serve an essential role,” he stressed.

    The top official noted that science is capable of creating wealth and power in the country. “With careful management, we can pave the way for cultivation of remarkable talent.”

    Raisi, who has been in office for a little over 100 days, said that his administration has been trying to decrease the distance between itself and the general public. 

    “It is necessary to also remove the distance between government and university,” he said.

    Pointing to the severe drought faced by Iran, the president acknowledged that universities can take on a more decisive role to tackle problems relating to water shortages and reassured the audience that academics will have the support of his administration. 



    Local Products

    Raisi during his speech said that all government offices are banned from using foreign products as long as there is a homegrown equivalent. 

    “Government offices are not allowed to make use of foreign products when there are quality local products available, this is a measure to support tech companies and national elites.”

    He noted that highly motivated young people need to search for answers inside the nation. 

    “We should of course benefit from experiences of other countries, but we need to pay attention that … we require the implementation of localized approaches,” he added.

    Highlighting a scientific approach to problems the country is currently grappling with, the president said that science-based measures can move independent of political changes. 

    Returning to the significance of Student Day, Raisi said the occasion was a valuable opportunity for university students to share their concerns with officials and to form a collaboration.

    The president referred to remarks by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on elites and researchers and said that is the reason he picked Sharif University of Technology for Tuesday’s speech. 

    Student Day is held on December 7 every year to commemorate the martyrdom of three university students by the police some 20 years before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.