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Leader: Islamic Nations Must Resist Western Powers’ Aggression, Interference

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei called on all Islamic nations to stand firm and resist the aggression and interference of western powers to make up for what he called a dishonorable and embarrassing past.

“We who are the followers of Islam—and who enjoy a large population, vast lands, countless natural resources and nations that are aware and awake—must build the future with our assets and resources,” he said in his message on the occasion of the start of the Hajj rituals, reported.

He reiterated the Islamic Republic’s invitation to “resistance” in the face of interference of the United States and other transgressing countries, so that the world of Islam can take its fate in its own hands by relying on religious teachings.

“Over the last 150 years, Muslim nations have not had any role in deciding the fate of their countries and their governments,” he said, regretting that these countries, apart from a few exceptions, have all been led and governed by transgressing western governments while being subject to their greed, interference and malevolence.

Scientific backwardness and political dependence in many countries is the product of that passivity and incompetence, he added.

Naturally, the US and its cohorts are sensitive about the word “resistance”, according to the Leader, and show all kinds of hostility to the “Islamic Resistance Front”, while some regional governments’ cooperation unfortunately strengthens those malicious acts.

Ayatollah Khamenei also said bitter events in the world of Islam, such as those in the occupied Palestine, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and other countries, direct Muslim nations toward a “great duty and untiring endeavor”.

At the same time, “the emergence of the resistance forces throughout this sensitive region and the awakening of nations makes hearts overflow with hope,” he said.  

The American propaganda effort to distort the actions of the resistance front, or to ascribe them to Iran or any other reference point, stems from the United States’ deep ignorance about regional nations.

“This ignorance led America to be humiliated in Afghanistan,” he said, referring to the US withdrawal of its forces from Afghanistan after 20 years.

He stressed that regional nations have shown they are awake and alert and that their path is different from the path of those governments that give in to US demands, even over the vital matter of Palestine, to keep it satisfied.

Lessons to Learn

This region and the events that take place in it carry lessons for its peoples, according to Ayatollah Khamenei.

“On the one hand, we can learn the lesson of gaining power using resistance and fighting against the transgressing aggressors. On the other hand, we can learn that humiliation results from submitting to them and showing weakness.”

He underlined the divine promise of assistance for fighters in the way of God, citing a verse from the holey Quran which says, “If you aid the cause of Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly.”

“The primary result of this struggle in the way of God will be to prevent America and other international aggressors from interfering in the affairs of Islamic countries,” he said.

The Leader also referred to the ritual of Hajj, describing it as an act of worship filled with mysteries and secrets, which shows the determination and greatness of the Islamic nation to all ill-wishers.

Pointing to the cancellation of Hajj rituals due to the spread of the coronavirus, he expressed sorrow that the Islamic nation have been deprived of this “great blessing”.

He, however, said this is another test which will be followed by a bright future.

“What is important is that Hajj remains alive in its true essence—in the hearts and souls of Muslims—so now that its physical form is temporarily inaccessible, its exalted message should not be diminished,” he emphasized.