Iranian knowledge-based companies held an online meeting with their Kenyan counterparts early this week to help bolster the development of information and communications technologies in the African country.
In line with its policy of expanding tech presence in African countries, the Iranian government launched a tech hub in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, in February, to provide a platform for exchanging tech ideas and facilitate bilateral trade, Mehr News Agency reported.
During the meeting, ICT companies and startups from the two countries shared their experiences and wrapped up the session with questions and answers. The most-asked questions were about Iran’s support for international ICT development projects.
Jafar Barmaki, Iranian ambassador to Kenya, provided an overview of measures taken by Iran’s Vice Presidential Office for Science and Technology to strengthen tech ties with African countries.
“Iran is to help expand communication infrastructures in Kenya by duplicating its local projects. Iranian tech teams are also interested in implementing their innovative ideas and promoting their activities in foreign countries,” he said.
The ambassador stressed that Iran’s ultimate goal is to disseminate its ICT knowledge in North African countries and later to the east and southeast of the continent.
“Iran’s investment in Kenya can also increase the former’s non-oil export value and create jobs. With over 80% of Kenyan people having access to mobile network and internet, the country is an untapped market for Iran’s ICT development projects,” he added.
Iran’s House of Innovation and Tech (HIT for short) was inaugurated in Nairobi by Iran’s Vice Presidential Office for Science and Technology.
Barmaki said HIT welcomes Iranian tech teams, startups and knowledge-based companies willing to start their ICT projects in that country.
HIT’s Purpose
Established in Iran’s former embassy building, HIT is mandated with the task of extending Iran’s market for tech products to East Africa.
Offering workspace and internet connection for innovative companies, it is also a permanent tech fair of items developed by Iranian and Kenyan knowledge-based companies.
Several Iranian tech professionals are set to offer mentorship and consultation to Kenyan tech enthusiasts, which will help establish a technology ecosystem.
During the center’s inauguration, Iranian Vice President Sorena Sattari noted that HIT can facilitate the exchange of technological and technical know-how and help the Kenyan startup ecosystem grow.
He underlined Iran’s outstanding progress in nanotechnology and capability in establishing innovation parks, and said the country is ready to share its experience with Kenya to assist tech-based industries in both countries.
Similar Projects
Iran had earlier opened similar centers in Syria, China, Armenia and Turkey, and plans to expand technology collaborations with other countries.
In early March, the vice presidential office and private investors opened a 620-square-meter innovation and tech export center in Damascus Free Zone, Syria, to boost scientific and economic relations.
At the center, knowledge-based companies can promote and commercialize their products in the Arab country, in cooperation with Iranian officials.
Shared space and a permanent exhibition of knowledge-based products are among services offered to knowledge-based firms in this center.
These firms can use the space to expand interactions with Syrian firms and help find customers and production partners for their products.
Market research, advertisement, sales and product registration are among other services offered in the tech center.
More Regional Efforts
In October 2020, Russia called for establishing stronger ties with Iran in ICT and space technology fields.
In addition, Russia hosted several Iranian commercial and tech delegations in the past year, including the 15th International Aviation and Space Salon (also known as MAKS Air Show) in the city of Zhukovsky in late August 2019 and the INNOPROM International Industrial Trade Fair in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in July 2019.
Underlining the promising results of these visits, Sattari earlier told reporters that Russian tech firms have shown readiness to forge ties with Iranian knowledge-based companies, especially in the fields of nanotechnology, biotechnology, space, aviation, cognitive sciences and new energies.
“As a result, an Iranian knowledge-based company signed a €2 million deal with a Russian company on the sidelines of the MAKS Air Show. Iranian tech firms also won accolades at Azerbaijan's high-tech exhibition called Bakutel 2019,” he said.
According to ICT Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, Iran’s strong presence in the event can increase the prospects of Iranian startups finding customers in the host country, which is a potential market for innovative products and services.
In addition, Iran and Armenia are working on the joint establishment of technology parks and the development of communication infrastructure.
Although progressing slowly, Iran's investments in promoting the national tech ecosystem and introducing the country's potentials to the regional market have been successful.
Lending extended support to the development of startups and knowledge-based companies has been high on the government's agenda since President Hassan Rouhani took office during his first term in 2013.