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Domestic Economy

Remote Working Program Outlined

The remote working program for government employees will remain in place as before, i.e. the highest-ranking executive in charge of the organization will decide upon the presence or teleworking of employees. 

According to Alaeddin Rafizadeh, a senior official with the Administrative and Employment Affairs Organization, the bylaw on remote working of employees as per the color-coded system was issued on Nov. 17, 2020, and remains in effect today, ISNA reported. 

According to a government classification, “red”, “yellow” and “white” indicate the R value, or the number of people a patient can pass the disease to, in a respective county.

“Our emphasis is on preventing interruption of services; people must have access to essential services at all times,” Rafizadeh said. 

The Administrative and Employment Affairs Organization has divided services into two categories: essential and normal services. In yellow zones, all employees of agencies providing essential services need to be present at the workplace. But the physical presence of employees of other agencies would be restricted to two-thirds of full capacity. 

In orange zones, the physical presence of employees of agencies providing essential services would be restricted to two-thirds of full capacity. But the physical presence of employees of other agencies would be restricted to 50% of full capacity. 

In red zones, the physical presence of employees of agencies providing essential services would be restricted to 50%, provided that it won’t cause interruption in service delivery. The physical presence of employees of other agencies would be restricted to one-third of full capacity. 

Rafizadeh noted that in all organizations, pregnant women, those with health conditions and women with children under age six must be placed in the top priority group for teleworking.