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House of Isfahan Cultural Heritage Advocates

The House of Isfahan Cultural Heritage Advocates was inaugurated on Feb 5, CHTN reported. Head of Iran’s Cultural heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) Masud Soltanifar, as well as director general and deputies at Isfahan’s ICHHTO participated in the opening ceremony. Soltanifar expressed joy to be present among the people who are concerned with preservation of the society’s identity. “Diversity of viewpoints, especially in cultural fields, brings about efficiency,” Soltanifar said. He was referring to the challenges faced by the provincial ICHHTO in recent years, including the numerous turn-over of officials. “Being supported by you the advocates of cultural heritage, calm and stability will be restored to the organization, then, in a stable environment, we will perform our important duties towards preserving the national identity,” Soltanifar said. The inauguration ceremony was attended by 30 cultural heritage advocating organizations, hotel associations, and travel agencies active in Isfahan Province.