
Bird Flu in Chaharmahal

Bird Flu in Chaharmahal
Bird Flu in Chaharmahal

Domestic poultry infected with avian flu in five villages and cities of Garmdareh, Heidari, Sheikh Shaban, Ben, and Kharaji, all in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, were identified and culled, said Abdolmohammad Nejati, director general of the provincial Veterinary Organization.  Since the outbreak of bird flu in November, it has spread to 15 provinces in the country, IRNA reported. While there is still no case of human avian flu, the risk remains, so people should avoid purchasing free-range eggs and fresh chicken which are not produced in poultry farms. The Health Ministry and Iran Veterinary Organization (IVO) are also taking stringent measures to inspect poultry farms.

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