Economy, Domestic Economy

Swedish Business Delegation to Visit Tehran Next Week

Swedish Business Delegation to Visit Tehran Next Week
Swedish Business Delegation to Visit Tehran Next Week

A business delegation from Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is scheduled to visit Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture on April 18, the chamber’s news portal reported.
The Swedish delegation consists of economic players in the fields of financial services, investment, insurance, health, renewable energy, ATM production, bank card issuance, project management, software, management consulting and training courses. 
On Wednesday, a host of high-level officials with the Central Bank of Iran met with their counterparts in Tehran to discuss ways of improving banking relations.
“The participation of Swedish truck manufacturing companies in the mega project of renewing Iran’s fleet can mark the resumption of correspondent banking relations between the two countries,” CBI Governor Valiollah Seif told Stefan Ingves, governor of Sveriges Riksbank, the central bank of Sweden.


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