Business And Markets

Tehran’s Construction Materials Inflation at 59.6 Percent in Q3

“Cement, concrete, gravel and sand” registered the highest growth among all categories of construction materials with a price growth of 48.2% in the third quarter, compared with the previous quarter
Tehran’s Construction Materials Inflation at 59.6 Percent in Q3
Tehran’s Construction Materials Inflation at 59.6 Percent in Q3

The general price index of construction materials for residential properties in Tehran grew by 59.6% in the four-quarter period to Dec. 20, 2020, which marks the end of the third quarter of the current Iranian year (Sept. 22-Dec. 20, 2020), compared with the previous year's corresponding period. 
The index stood at 850.1 in Q3, according to the Statistical Center of Iran's latest report published on its website. 
The average annual inflation of construction material was 40.8% in Q2 (summer).
In the second quarter, the construction material price index stood at 698.8 and registered a 30.3% quarter-on-quarter growth.
The index rose by 101.6% in Q3 (fall) compared with last year's corresponding quarter. In Q2, the year-on-year index growth was 71.4%.


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