Sci & Tech

Unique, Multiuse Hybrid Mill Developed by UT Researchers

Researchers at the University of Tehran have developed a unique hybrid mill that creates nanopowder from different substances for use in research centers and industries
Unique, Multiuse Hybrid Mill Developed by UT Researchers
Unique, Multiuse Hybrid Mill Developed by UT Researchers

Domestic researchers have produced a unique hybrid mill that creates nanopowder from different substances for use in research centers and industries.
The mill has been developed by the researchers of the University of Tehran (UT), in cooperation with the Technical and Vocational University and the Materials and Energy Research Center, according to the director of UT’s Nanobiophotonics Research Laboratory.
“By simultaneously using a bullet and ultrasonic power, the hybrid mill can produce nanopowder from various ceramic and metal compounds while maintaining their properties,” Mohammad Mohammadi Masoudi was also quoted as saying as IRNA.
Nanopowders have individual particles at the nanometer scale. Due to their small sizes, these powders have extraordinarily high surface area-to-volume ratio that changes their physical-chemical properties compared with macroscale powders.


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