Domestic Economy

Iran’s Agriculture Beset by Lack of Cropping Patterns

Business & Markets Desk
In the absence of land use plan, no cropping pattern project has been implemented in Iran
Iran’s Agriculture Beset by Lack of Cropping Patterns
Iran’s Agriculture Beset by Lack of Cropping Patterns

Water scarcity and low precipitation in Iran have impelled the government to take urgent measures, imposing a ban on the cultivation of certain water-intensive crops in different parts of the country. 
A working group for managing water shortage was established last year to adopt a unified approach on managing water resources. 
Notably, aggravated by erroneous farming methods, soil erosion is also taking a heavy toll on the environment. Experts are concerned that Iran’s agriculture may be at risk, as it endangers food security.
Different administrations have tried, throughout the years, to come up with proper cropping or cultivation patterns to contain the damaging trends, and the lack of such patterns is perhaps felt more than ever in view of the above-mentioned pressing issues.  


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