
Tehran’s Water Woes Continue 

Tehran’s Water Woes Continue 
Tehran’s Water Woes Continue 

A total of 238 million cubic meters of water are stored in the dams of Tehran Province, which is down 77 mcm compared to this time last year when the figure was 345 mcm, managing director of Tehran Water and Wastewater Company (Abfa) said.
“This is while there should be 590 mcm of water in the dams under normal conditions,” Mohammed Reza Bakhtiari was also quoted as saying by the Energy Ministry’s news portal.
Dams supplying water to Tehran include Taleqan, Latyan, Mamlou, Karaj and Lar. The five dams together can hold 2 billion cubic meters of water, but the water stored in them is now less than 12% of their total capacity.


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