
Export of Refined Products Can Help Skirt Sanctions

Exporting petroleum products is easier because the cargoes are smaller and, more importantly, are not necessarily purchased by refiners
Export of Refined Products Can Help Skirt Sanctions
Export of Refined Products Can Help Skirt Sanctions

Increasing crude oil refining capacity can be seen as a viable option to help evade US sanctions in the short term, says a senior consultant and manager for the Middle East oil research department in London-based FGE, a global energy consultancy firm.
"Under the present conditions exporting oil derivatives, namely mazut and liquefied petroleum gas, is less challenging than crude oil because they cannot be tracked," Iman Nasseri told the Persian-language economic daily Donya-e-Eqtesad, a sister publication of the Financial Tribune.
The National Iranian Oil Company is reportedly selling 500,000 barrels of mazut and LPG per day.
"Exporting petroleum products is easier because the cargoes are smaller and, more importantly, are not necessarily purchased by refiners," Nasseri said...


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