Economy, Business And Markets

Iran: Oil & Gas Sector Most Conducive for Business

The study, published on the official website of Majlis Research Center, is the first evaluation of investment security index in Iran using the opinion of business representatives
Oil & Gas Sector Most Conducive for Business
Oil & Gas Sector Most Conducive for Business
The study states that transparency in public administration must be realized, relevant economic data must be accessible to all transparently

The research arm of Iran’s Parliament has conducted a first-of-its-kind domestic investment security study, finding among other things that businesspeople active in the crude oil and natural gas sector have the highest perception of investment security among all sectors.
The study, published on the official website of Majlis Research Center, is the first evaluation of investment security index in Iran using the opinion of business representatives. It divides its results on the basis of provinces and business sectors, and has been conducted for the final quarter of the previous fiscal year that ended on March 20, 2018.


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