Undoubtedly, inflation will be the gravest challenge facing Iran’s economy in the coming months, as the government’s smallest error of judgment can lead to an exponential increase in inflation and worsen public livelihood problems, with widespread social consequences.
At present, the economy has become the Achilles’ heel of the country. Therefore, controlling inflation should be considered the most vital issue for ameliorating the people’s economic woes in the short and medium terms because it is directly related to their living conditions.
In metallurgical and materials engineering, there is a term called “fatigue”, meaning that all metal and plastic can withstand all kinds of pressures to a certain extent, but from that point on, they will implode. A significant segment of the Iranian society is suffering from “fatigue” after years of economic pressure and lack of proper management in solving economic, political and social challenges. They can no longer bear more economic pressures and inflation, as their resilience has fallen to the lowest level. The protests of the past months prove this claim.
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