Sci & Tech

Domestic Company Produces Equipment for Power Plants 

A knowledge-based company has developed equipment for small power plants with a price advantage over foreign counterparts
Domestic Company Produces Equipment for Power Plants 
Domestic Company Produces Equipment for Power Plants 

A domestic knowledge-based company has produced equipment for small power plants at a price lower than foreign counterparts.
“After the imposition of sanctions, we faced problems in supplying parts to power plants, so we started to meet the technological needs of the electricity industry,” said Hossein Ali Behjou, the CEO of Behsaz Sani System Company.
One of the capabilities of this knowledge-based company is the construction of small-scale combined heat and power, as well as gas-fired power plants, which can produce 5-50 MW of electricity, the news portal of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology reported.
Referring to electronic components needed in the electricity industry, 
Behjou said, “Power plants use electronic cards that are imported from the US General Electric Company, which cost between $10,000 and $15,000.


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