Business And Markets

Broad Money in Slow, But Steady Decline

Broad Money in Slow, But Steady Decline
Broad Money in Slow, But Steady Decline

Data released by the Central Bank of Iran show the growth rate of key monetary factors, namely broad money and monetary base, has seen slow but steady decline.
Broad money stood at 46,240.3 trillion rials ($171 billion) in the Iranian month ending Feb. 19, showing 39.7% growth in the 12-month period. 
The figures indicate four straight decline of broad money growth in the monthly monetary reports.  It was down from the annualized growth of 42% recorded for month ending Nov. 21. This dropped to 41.4% and 39.8% in subsequent months.    
According to CBI data, broad money expanded by 33% during the first eleven months of the last fiscal year that ended on March 20. 


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