World Economy

Danish Economy Improving

Danish Economy Improving
Danish Economy Improving

Simon Emil Ammitzboll, the minister for the economy and internal affairs, has been able to present the best economic prognosis for many years, with Denmark looking to end 2017 with the highest growth rate for 10 years. The number of people in employment has also risen, CPHPost online reported. “Over the last three years, the gross domestic product has risen by 1.7% per year. This year, it will be the highest since 2006. We estimate an increase of 2% in 2017 and 1.8% next year,” said Ammitzboll. The main reason for the good Danish economic result is that the countries around Denmark in the eurozone are also showing growth. For the first time in a long time, eurozone growth has been over 1%. “Exports are also doing well and we expect them to grow by 4% this year and 3% next year.” The figures also show that since 2013, 150,000 new jobs have been created in Denmark and 65,000 of them have gone to foreigners.


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