
Initiatives to Increase Renewables in Yazd

A 10-MW solar plant was launched in Yazd Province, which is equipped with over 37,000 270-watt panels and 122 36-KW inverters
Initiatives to Increase Renewables in Yazd
Initiatives to Increase Renewables in Yazd

A 10-megawatt solar power plant was inaugurated in the city of Mehriz in Yazd Province in a ceremony attended by Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian.
According to Ardakanian, the photovoltaic plant, which has come on stream at a total cost of ($14 million), is slated for the annual delivery of 23 million kilowatts, IRNA reported.
"Over 37,000 270-watt panels and 122 36-KW inverters have been used in the plant ... The generated power will be added to the city's power substation," he said.


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