Advanced Management Program for Healthcare Businesses

Advanced Management Program for Healthcare Businesses
Advanced Management Program for Healthcare Businesses

Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture and Amirkabir University of Technology, for the first time, have jointly planned to hold a course titled “Advanced Management Program for Healthcare Businesses” with the participation of elite instructors and trainers from Iran and around the world.
According to TCCIM’s public relations, this six-month-long specialized course, which will begin in summer and last till the end of fall, is aimed at empowering health industry managers to face the challenges of business development and acquainting them with the global technological developments in healthcare. 
The participants will have the opportunity to network with top managers in the health industry for leading and strengthening the effectiveness of their organization. 
The course is designed for senior managers in the health industry businesses, senior and middle managers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology products industry, startups active in the health industry, as well as traders and entrepreneurs operating in the field of medical equipment.
Through several specialized modules, they will learn skills in the areas of financial information management, artificial intelligence, principles of business negotiation, venture capital, ethics and social responsibility, digital technology management and professional development.
Also, a workshop will be held with the aim of applying the techniques learned for two months.
Those interested in participating in the course may visit the website of TCAPU Business School at www.tcapu.com, for more information.

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